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Results for "Dalai Lama"
Birthday of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Celebrating the birthday of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate who is the spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetan people.
What Would Buddha Do? Defeating your enemies with grace.
The Thirteenth Dalai Lama in Gems of Wisdom from the Seventh Dalai Lama We can be good to someone a hundred times
Friendliness and Giggles A teaching story about the Dalai Lama's joy.
Giving and Taking A meditation technique for forgiving enemies
Kindness: E-Courses
Don't Hold Grudges Find a way to forgive.
I Vow Today His Holiness the Dalai Lama's advice to take a vow of peace.
Recast Judgment Try the phrase "...just like me."
His Holiness The Dalai Lama in The Path to Tranquility If we want a genuine smile